Daily Archives: September 22, 2008

LBGT-friendly daycares in Indy?

Posted by Melody

Anyone know an alternative families-friendly daycare provider in Indianapolis? Would prefer Center Township, SE side of Marion County, or on something on the East leg of 465.

I’ve been researching in-home but haven’t had a lot of positive experiences so far. We did visit one of those designer daycares that are really just a franchise following a corporate formula (BLEH). It did not fit our needs. We’d like someone who is open to cloth diapers, but it’s not a deal breaker. We’d also like someone who doesn’t have a problem with breastmilk and homemade baby food. The breastmilk doesn’t seem to be a problem, but the homemade baby food was a showstopper at the designer daycare.

I am so jealous of Raz-ma-taz, who found a Unitarian Universalist daycare program. No such luck in our community. We would drive out of the way for that. It sounds perfect.


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