Day 6 of Stims

posted by Mel

We have follicles– 7 of them to be precise. Her e2 is 362. It looks like we are probably back on track– just a couple of days behind. Vanessa’s a little disappointed with the count. I am not. Honestly, I would have been scared if we had seen 20+ up there on the screen. At this point in my IVF cycle I had 30+, and they were all CRAP. I’m hoping these 7 plump little follies are quality boys and girls. 7 means I’m not worried about her having to deal with OHSS. Would I like to have 2 beautiful embryos to transfer + 10 to freeze? Well hell yeah. Last time I thought we’d have 2 to transfer and 10 to freeze, and we got nothing. Not making it to transfer is the kind if disappointment I never need again.

I am still worried about the quality of the eggs suffering because we’re going to have to stim her longer than originally anticipated, but we are throwing every gram of protein at her to counteract that. Last night she had a New York Strip. She also has accupuncture on Monday morning. If anyone has suggestions for natural methods of improving egg quality during fertility treatments, let us have them.

Also– for anyone who has dealt with the emotional side effects of fert drugs, any and all advice is welcome. Her estrogen is higher right now than it has probably ever been, and she’s on an emotional roller coaster. I’m going to try to get her to do some yoga with me this weekend and see if we can’t try to alleviate some of her stress that way.

And now– off to the specialty pharmacist for more drugs. We ran out of Follistim after last night’s dosing. I was waiting for today’s e2 results before getting more.


Filed under Gettin' Knocked Up

7 responses to “Day 6 of Stims

  1. Lo

    Glad to hear you got seven!!

  2. Lo

    And: I tagged you. Come check it out.

  3. For my 3rd IVF, I ate a lot of protein as well (esp. eggs!), drank lots of water – had no alcohol or caffeine. Gatorade was my drink of choice (cause one time I had 8 follicles and mild OHSS – just an FYI).

    Hang in there… I know the slow response can be nerve wracking, but the initial phase of stimming is to recruit as many antral follicles as possible – the last phase is basically to grow whatever follicles were recruited. The trigger shot is the final touch that gets put on those nice follicles. (helps them to mature)

    Good luck to you both!! 🙂

  4. Co

    I am so glad things are looking better than they had been and that this cycle can continue going forward.

    I don’t have any advice except drinks lots of water. For the emotional roller coaster, maybe some Rescue Remedy? I don’t know if it’d interfere in any way, but I doubt it. It’s pretty mild stuff, but it helps me when I’m anxious. Not sure if anxiety is part of the problem.

    Fingers so crossed for you both. And I wholeheartedly agree… quality trumps quantity when it comes to eggs.

  5. jay

    Whew. 7 sounds good to me too!! xx

  6. vee

    Seven eggs sounds good to me. Acupuncture has helped keep my emotions level, though I haven’t been up to anything like those kind of doses. Just a thought.

  7. Seven is lucky. Hopefully the acu helps. I’m sure you’re treating her delicately and like gold. That’s sure to help too. Good luck dear. I’ve got high hopes for your lucky number.

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